Internship experience adds enormous value to the students of the Business Administration Department. With the internship, students will experience the application of theoretical knowledge that they gain during the previous semesters. Internship experience gives students insight into professional business practices, helps them to have a comprehensive understanding of different units of a company, to identify their career goals and it offers an opportunity to improve their social skills by interacting with employees in the companies. Moreover, nowadays, companies attach great importance to internship experience and give more chances in the recruitment process to graduates who have developed themselves in different fields.


To graduate from the AGU Business Administration Department, students have to have a minimum of 20 days of internship experience in a company approved by the Internship Committee from the other graduation requirements. To start an internship, all students have to complete a minimum of 150 ECTS of courses. Students who cannot meet that requirement are not allowed to choose BA 499 Summer Internship course. Students are expected to provide the followings;

    • To identify a problem at the company and offer solutions;
    • To identify similarities and dissimilarities between the courses and the performed business activities during the internship;
    • To write a report about experiences and give a presentation before Internship Committee.

For more information about the criteria for choosing an appropriate company to do internship and all other required formal procedures, please see the Internship Guideline and related documents below and consult the Internship Committee secreteriat if necessary.


Access the forms and other files below; 

     Internship Application Form

     Internship Evaluation Form

     Internship Flowchart

     Internship Guideline

     BA 499 Summer Internship Course Syllabus

     Internship Report Template

     Previously accepted companies for internship


Last update: 17/04/2024