AGU Youth Factory offers students national and international opportunities to generate knowledge, transform it into value for the future, be aware of global issues, engage in international discussions, and stand out with their knowledge, skills, and attitudes.


20 Business Administration students have attended Erasmus Study Mobility Program in four different countries. They have visited;   

  • Brest Business School (France)
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza (Romania)
  • International School of Management (Germany)
  • Deggendorf University of Technology (Germany)
  • EPHEC (Belgium).

17 Business Administration students have attended Erasmus Internship Mobility in ten different countries.

The internship was carried out in various institutions/corporates from different industries, including;

  • Exact Trans (Netherlands)
  • Rosense (United Kingdom)
  • ANS Accounting and Consulting (Sweden)
  • Novancia Business School (France)   
  • Universita Degli Studi Del Sannio (Italy) 
  • Turkish Airlines Frankfurt (Germany)      
  • FIEGE (Germany)
  • Kılınçlar B.V Automaterlalen (Netherlands)   
  • Ecole Pratique Des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (Belgium)
  • International School of Management (Austria), Teknoza (Belgium)    
  • South Tours (Spain), Youth for Mobility (Netherlands)   
  • ZG Upholstery Coventry (United Kingdom)   
  • Alexandra Ioan Cuza University (Romania)   

Our students have also participated in European Union-supported Volunteering Projects through AGU Youth Factory. In the past 2 years, 9 of our students have attended volunteer-based activities in Romania, Portugal, and Spain as part of the "From Youth Factory to Europe for Solidarity and Volunteerism" and "European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Leader" programs, aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

We are proud to be the program that accepted the highest number of exchange students at AGU between 2016 and 2022, with a total of 34 students.

Additionally, we ranked second in terms of sending the highest number of students abroad within the Erasmus Study Mobility at our university

Please visit AGU Erasmus' webpage.

Erasmus Coordinator: Heiko SCHUSS, Assistant Professor


Office Hours: contact via e-mail

Please also visit AGU Youth Factory's webpage for other opportunities.