Businesses are defined as social entities (organizations) that operate by combining production factors such as labor, capital, information and technology in order to produce a product or service. Business Administration is a discipline that examines how these social entities can work more efficiently and effectively. All institutions (universities, foundations, companies, educational institutions, factories and hospitals, etc.) need human resources with certain knowledge, skills and competencies to carry out their activities. In this content, the Department of Business Administration program focuses on training managers and specialists of future with the knowledge, skills and competencies that the institutions need. Graduates of the Department of the Business Administration can work as experts and executives in departments such as finance, accounting, human resources, public relations, production, sales and marketing in the private sector. Moreover, graduates of the department can work in various positions in public institutions and organizations such as income specialist, administrative judge, specialist and assistant specialist. Besides, graduates who seek to establish their own business can be entrepreneurs.  The graduates can also provide consultancy services to institutions and organizations operating in various fields. In addition to these career options, the graduates can conduct academic studies in various departments listed below:



  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Markets and Institutions
  • Investment Analysis
  • Behavioral Finance
  • International Finance
  • Financial Derivatives
  • Portfolio Management
  • Financial Risk Management
  • Finance for Creative Industries
  • Banking



  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Cost Accounting
  • Audit



  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Principles of Pricing
  • Revenue Marketing
  • Brand Management
  • Consumer Behavior and Psychology
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Relationship Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • E-commerce Management
  • Retail Management
  • International Marketing
  • Service Marketing
  • Product Management and Strategy
  • Strategic Sales Management
  • Customer Relationship Management



  • Organizational Theory
  • Strategic Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Change Management
  • Negotiation Techniques
  • International Management


Quantitative Methods

  • Management Information System
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Sustainable Operations Management
  • Operations Research
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Decision Support and Expert Systems
  • Statistical Analysis


About The Department of Business Administration at AGU


Department of Business Administration of AGU, was established within the Faculty of Management Science and started to accept students in 2013. Our department accepted 20 students between 2013 and 2016, 30 students in 2017, 50 students in 2018 and 60 students in 2019 in line with the decisions of YÖK (The Council of Higher Education) .


Our department its first graduates in 2018 and our graduates have start to work in leading national and international corporations.  As of March 2020, 223 students are studying in the department. Courses are held in a modern setting and in 25-person classrooms. In our classrooms designed according to the needs of the new-age, we prepare our students for the modern business environment. In addition, in our laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology, we offer our students the programs needed in business life and academia in the fields of data science, finance, industry and computer engineering.


AGU Business Administration program was created with a global vision to train future entrepreneurs, professionals, academicians and experts of public institutions. Our department prepares its students for the future by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to become individuals who can compete globally with their internationally experienced academic staff.


The Business Administration program is a 4-year program. In the first year of the program, introductory courses are given to introduce the Business Administration program and other related programs. In the second year, a foundation is formed to specialize in functional areas. In the last two years of the program, the students specialize in the Business function they want with elective courses. There is also a minor program in our department. Students studying in other departments of our university can do minor as long as they meet the special conditions in the Department of Business Administration. Likewise, our students studying in the Department of Business Administration have the opportunity to do a minor in other departments of our university.


In our department, we strive to educate students as individuals with high analytical and solution-oriented thinking skills and strong in-team communication skills. In order to grant these skills to our students, we have been using methods such as group studies, case analysis and simulation from the first year.


The education language of The Business Administration program is 100% English. Our students develop their language skills, which is the most sought-after competence of today, by actively using English as they study.


Our student clubs such as Business Club, Finance and Economics Club and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club are among the most active communities in our university. These communities assist students in preparing for the business world through conferences, conversations, contests, factory and business trips, social activities, internships and networking opportunities. Bridges are established between faculty members, students, graduates and business through the clubs.


Students have the opportunity to combine the experiences gained in their workplaces and the theoretical knowledge they learned in the courses by dint of the compulsory internship program. AGU graduates can readily be accepted graduate programs and they can easily find work or internship in Turkey or abroad.