There is an increasing need for skilled business administration graduates with the developments of trade and business sectors in Turkey as well as all around the world. A qualified BA graduate can easily find an upper level job that pays well. Since every sector needs a manager, career opportunities for BA graduates include all sectors. Hence, a wide range of career options of BA department makes it popular among students. Besides, sub-fields of BA department provide opportunities to shape your career path in accordance with your skills and desires. That is, while studying BA, you can develop yourself in one of the fields of accounting, finance, marketing and product management, human resources management, international business, management information systems and you can continue your career in that field after you graduate.

To sum up, when you graduate from BA you can work in any private sector such as chemistry, automotive, textile, logistics, food, electronics, production industry, tourism, banking and insurance, advertising, service and information sectors or you can start working in public sector. In addition, as a well-educated entrepreneur, you can start your dream business and manage it. 

For more information please visit Career Office's webpage

With the aim of providing support and creating opportunities in the career of our students and graduates,  Career and Professional Development Office offers guidance, placement and monitoring programs to help students.

  • know themselves better and increase their self-awareness,
  • make right career choices which are suitable for their skills, interests and wishes,  and which will bring happiness,
  • be informed about different career choices,
  • be knowledgeable about issues such as interview techniques, cover letter and resume writing, occupational ethics, career advancement opportunities,
  • build meaningful professional connections and benefit from the experiences of business professionals.